Friday, April 29, 2016

Fearless Fox Friday!

It's Friday again and with that comes reflection on what I have learned this week or what do I feel like I want to share with you all. To be honest it didn't jump out at me this week. I have had sick kids all week and I have been kind of down myself. Not staying with my routine and not listening to myself about what I need to start my day right. I've been kind of blowing myself off, to complain and make excuses to why I'm not feeling it. Luckily for me that can only last so long these days, before I drive myself crazy and kick my own rear in gear. What do you do when your lazy bug comes? Or you are experiencing a low? Do you have a plan? Do you have a backup team?

Fearless Fox Friday!

Do you have a routine? What are your feelings towards structure? For me, it has been something that I have shied away from. I never thought I could be consistent, so then I thought there was no reason to try. Do you have to be consistent? If you feel that you do, how can you support yourself with consistency? It is important to me, and when I tried and didn't succeed I would beat myself up. It helped me to shy away from trying again.

For me, I first had to decide what was important to me and what supported me. I listened to myself and my body. I learned that if I didn't get myself up by a certain time, I would feel tired and unproductive. I learned that going to the gym, or going for a walk as a family, or a bike ride with my son really made me feel good about myself. Giving myself time for my acknowledgments and gratitudes every day supported me too. Having time for reflection of myself and my day or my process supported me.

Then all I needed to do was choose when in my day I would fit these things with my responsibilities. It will take some trial and error in the process of finding what exactly supports you. Stay at it, you will find the best way to support yourself. That's not where it ends. If these new habits are not an easy shift, how can you best support your own process? Do you need an accountability partner? Do you have some kind or check system? Can you ask someone to join you in the activity to make it more fun or a competition of sorts?

The new challenge is to take some time this week with yourself and ask "what supports me to start/end my day in the best way?" Make a plan on how you will do those things. Ask for support or companionship. Set yourself up for success.

As we continue to listen to ourselves and do the things we are prompted it will support us. We will remain on our path to hatch out of our shells in freedom.

Let's Hatch

Friday, April 22, 2016

Fearless Fox Friday!

I've missed a couple Fridays and I apologize for that. Life gets busy and we forget  and put things off.  I am committed to doing this so I am back again. Each day is a new day. A new place to start over and choose what are we committed to. Who are we and what do we stand for. We decide every day. We choose with everything we do and say.

Fearless Fox Friday!
I think all to often we allow others to define who we are. We get labeled and we accept them or we reject them and try to prove them wrong. (ie. Bad, Stupid, Loser, Pretty, Good, Lazy, Busy, Scattered)

What if, we just didn't care what others thought because we cared what we thought first? If we valued our own opinion more than others, more than our fear's. 

Who would we be if we put down what we have labeled ourselves over the years and started from the core of who we all are, children of God? If we saw our own innocence and had compassion for all the choices we have made good or bad? What would we do differently? Who would we see looking back at us in the mirror?

What would this new person with no limitations do?

That is the challenge today. 
First, ask yourself what labels do you accept? Either the ones that were given to you by others or worked for by yourself. Write them down. Look at every one of them. Challange each one. So you are only left with what is truely You. The "you" that you are right now and you want to be moving towards.

Second, let go of anything that is contrary to you in any way. Let go of the anger or pressure or expectations that came with it. Let go of the negative self-talk, or behaviors associated with the old you. If it's not a matter of just letting go then make a plan and get support.

Third, plan out your new life, free of the old, the lies, and the burdens of others. What do you want in this new life? What do you do? How do you act? How do you feel about yourself? Do you have new interests or hobbies? Do you have different friends?

Defining who you are according to you and what you choose to believe is a challenge. One that is very rewarding and liberating. There will be bumps along the road, so have back up. Have a great support team who is dedicated to your vision and version of "you" that you are. 

As always with any kind of change we need support. Call on me I will walk you through. I've been there and I am willing to get you clear and stand strong. 

Let's hatch, from the scared chickadee to the Rock Star you want to be! 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Fearless Fox Friday!

This was a big week. Started with Easter, which included a connection with family and friends. Easter is always fun with new dresses, candy, and family time. This year was no different in those respects, but I was. As you know my focus this year is self-love, and I have noticed I have changed.

Fearless Fox Friday!

I have a tendency to sit back at big group events and observe. I may not start conversations, for fear that others may not want to talk to me or be interested in what I have to say. I don't like to bug or impose on people, especially those that I'm unsure about their disposition toward me. This year at Easter I didn't really have any thought of that. I owned my space. I didn't shrink.

What made this possible? I feel that loving myself more these past months has made the difference. How have I loved myself? In very small and simple ways. I started to believe I was worthy of being at the center of my own life. I started saying yes to myself. I started to invest real time and money into my dreams. I started to own my space and see myself as a value to whomever I'm with. I said "I love you" in the mirror to myself. I asked and questioned myself about the truthfulness of everything I told myself. Did every label fit me, or did every hat I put on really belong to me? I decided to take only what I decided was me today, and have started to let go of the rest. I have let go of some doozies.

All of this has allowed me to see myself more clearly. It has been easier to own who I am because it is just me. No one else's opinion, none of my own judgments from past choices or behaviors.

How do you see yourself? Is it clouded with falsehoods? Take the time to clean it up. Let go of the old and untrue. Spring is a time of rebirth. The world comes back alive and rises towards the sun for warmth. We too can have a rebirth. We decide who we are. We create our own lives, and what is possible.

Are you are wanting a rebirth of how you see yourself? Are you wanting to strip away the lies of fear, so you can go forth as only your truth? If this is what you want, email me! Let's get started. Let's hatch!