I have been talking lately about how I have let go of labels and ways of thinking about who I am. Let me go further with that thought today.
Fearless Fox Friday!
I grew up in a family where my position was the 8th girl and soon followed up 4 years later by the long awaited miracle only boy. Because of this, my little heart took on thoughts and feelings about myself that were untrue.
I felt invisible, second best, a disappointment, and unwanted. Later I took on being too small to be capable of doing anything on my own or knowing anything for myself.
As I continued to grow I took on more labels. With choices that I made, I made them define me. I took on lazy, stupid and ugly.
I wore these labels with shame. I tried to hide "the real me" away, hide her from view. I developed a face for the world that I thought it would like better.
I was funny and always said yes and tried to please and keep everyone happy. I failed at this impossible task over and over again. This would be evidence of the truthfulness of the lies I was telling myself.
I was a great collector of evidence. Every time I was looked over, forgotten, or put down it was further evidence to the lie. I constantly compared myself to all those around me. I felt as if I could never measure up. For awhile I gave up, I almost tried to be the negative image I had. To my detriment that just created habits that were hard to break later, and only really affected myself. I also tried to be the good girl. That became isolating and lots of pressure to hold up to a certain standard.
This last year and a half or so I have taken on new experiences, I have challenged myself to the max, and I have tried new tools like EFT in my battle against fear. I had to accept that I had felt these things and thought these things about myself. I had to be okay with the fact if they were true. Then I had to get to the truth. Not someone else's version of me, but mine alone. Who was I going to be going forward? Who was I going to accept into my life now? How was I going to see me, and love me? I started taking care of myself. I started doing nice things for myself. I started caring about me.
I feel like I have hatched into more of who I really am. I have let go of the labels and started to embrace the "real me". This has been a painful process at times and a liberating one too. I have felt great sorrow and great joy. I was ready to really examine my life, and I am willing to do the work.
Does this speak to you? Can you relate at all to my story? Do you feel lost in the lies that you have been taking on as truth?
If you are ready and willing to do the work, then let's get cracking! Let's start to find those labels you have and challenge them! Let's Hatch into Rock Stars!
Kelly Fox