Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fearless Fox Friday!

What are the silent contracts you have going on?
Fearless Fox Friday!
We all have silent contracts. We have them with ourselves and others. They keep us in waiting mode, or frustrated, or feeling lazy and unaccomplished. Which is never a fun place to be.
We might get stuck in our head with negative thoughts like, "I can't depend on anyone, but myself" or "This person is such a flake, they don't care about this." When that could be completely not true.
Or we can get stuck in our feelings of feeling worthless or unlovable. Telling yourself, "I can't do anything about this, they have all the power" or "no one loves me or cares about me enough for them to take action, not even myself."
So, are you asking, "What can I do to change?" Great! Because that is the first step. The next is to express what those silent contracts are. Write them down or have an open conversation with the person who you want them from. Tell people what you want or need from them. No one can read your mind. Sometimes not even yourself. Get clear on what it is that you want and start going for it! Asking for it! Getting it!
Need help figuring all that out? Contact me. I can help you out. We'll crack through that shell and get to what it all is.
Let's Hatch! 

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