Friday, October 11, 2013

Fearless tool #3 No man is an island

Today's tool is one that may evolve for you, it has for me. The tool is "No one can be fearless Alone". We all need support and we can find that support in few or many. I think sometimes we need more support than others as well as sometimes it is available more at times than others. Our fearbuster team as Rhonda calls it in her book "Fearless Living" is made up of different people.
Wise council: Is someone who is knowledgeable in many areas of life and you trust them. Someone who has been around the block a few times and is willing to guide you in the right directions.
Voice of experience: Is someone with knowledge in a specific area that you are in need of and is willing to share their experience with you.
Powerful Partner: Is someone who you are in a committed relationship with and you have both agreed to support each other and be there for each other no matter what. You have signed a contract or have made an oath to have each others backs, to make decisions that will benefit everyone and your goal.
Cheerleader: Is someone who cheers you on and is always telling you that you can do it. They support your goals and believe in you and what you are trying to achieve. They lift your spirits and keep you positive when times get tough.
You may find that you have people in your life right now who fit into these categories. Be also aware that there are people who may be great in one role and not great in others. Test the waters and see if the people you have in mind are up for the task. As you build your team you will find that having support makes the process much more enjoyable.
This picture is one I have up by where I write, work, and live. I to am in need of support. There are new supporters on here as well as one I've had my whole life and others in between. We are meant to help each other through this life. We bless ourselves when we step out and bless others. Do not deny yourself or your supporters blessings. As you reach out for support you will see it is always there. Continue to add to your fearbuster group as you progress.
There is no need to be the lone egg out by yourself unprotected or supported. Form a group that can help you stay warm and support you in the process of breaking free from your fears. Let's Hatch!

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