Friday, June 3, 2016

Fearless Fox Friday!

I talk to you each week about how you can make different choices and see the rock star inside yourself. This week I am going to talk about how I did that for myself.

Fearless Fox Friday!

This week I was asked to come into the locker room of a professional women's soccer team before the game and coach them on fear. At first, I was shocked and stoked for the opportunity. I thought about what I would say to them. What I would do if I got to talk to them more than once. I started to want to know more about the girls and what fears they might have. Then my fear stepped up and told me that this was too big for me and I needed my mom to come with me or I needed to find a way to back out. I told myself I wasn't what the coach wanted and the woman players didn't want me either. In the course of a couple weeks I had told myself a lot of things.

Then the day came, and I knew what I wanted to say roughly, but I still wasn't sure it was going to happen. When I got the call from the coach I was so excited. This was a rock star engagement! I was going to stand in front of these women and share with them a little of my soul. I was going to share with them a new way of thinking about fear and how they could walk past the self-doubt and be the AllStars that they are.

It came time to step in front of them. I was even announced by the coach. They all clapped as I approached my spot. This was it! This was my moment to shine my light for these women to see that all things are possible when they believe in themselves. I stepped up and owned the room. Was I scared? Oh yes! Was my fear trying to get me out of the room? Oh yes. But I stood my ground, and I shared with these amazing women my complete belief in them. They shared some of their fears with me and strategies they were already employing. I mean they are an undefeated professional team, they are pretty good at telling the fear "I've got this, calm down." We talked about the negative self-talk and the doubts that plague us all. I was clear and uplifting, and they clapped when I was finished! It was a major confidence booster and an amazing experience. I for sure felt like a Rock Star.

I tell you this, not to toot my own horn, but to show you that this is a process for all of us. We are all in a state of hatching from our shell and becoming a star. For me, this was a big week of growing,
and other weeks it feels like I am reconstructing my shell. We are all moving along a path that is constructed of choices. Are you willing to make the choices necessary to get you where you want to be? I'm here to support you. Are you wanting to define what kind of a star you want to hatch into? I'm your girl. Do you need someone who completely believes in you and your ability to live your dreams? That is my superpower. Email me at and we can set up an appointment, and get started. Come be a Rock Star with me!

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